Hope - A Perfect Word
We hope and give away everything which is ours and in return expect something very small from it. Is that not stupid enough, Yes ! it is stupid enough to do that. How can we give something that is ours, how can someone just break it as if it cost nothing, so many questions arise when One Hope is broken into pieces. I Have witnessed it and just felt how cruel and selfish the world is ~~
HOPE - How many of us use this word in a day? In our StatMents, thOuGhts, praYers, etc..
I have used this end number of times, in everyway possible. Using this word in our sentences gives a bit of calmness and pleasure when it is fulfilled.
Hope is like a dream that you wish it comes true !!
Its Amazing to see how i started writing as a fun and now i feel so comfortable putting down anything n everything on this Compose page.. HOPE everything remains this easier for all of us .. See that magical word comes again Ha Ha !!
Life is just sticking on to this HoPe word, like a small child looking up in the sky and prays to the stars, it gives the kid such a happiness which is unknown and as innocent as the one who is praying:-) Life is also like that it prays looking up to HoPe with such a passion knowing it might or might not be fulfilled, the pleasure and happiness we experience when that HOPE turns out possible and up in front of you. Feels like a dream :-)

A Small story that i heard i would love to share it with you all, a friend of mine who hoped the best in her life. Being it Love, work n everything surrounding her, all she did was good and spread loads of happiness around her. Life took a change for her and she started losing everything day by day , she wasnt that smart hence she got up every morning and just HOPED and everything goes right today .. she met a friend of her's n slowly started the feeling that she never felt before .. The feeLing of Oneness ! Funny Gal ;-P
She just hoped everyday that he understood her but he failed her hopes day by day that went. The friendship she felt turned out to be the most difficult relationship for her, he couldnt see that she cried for him she hoped for his togetherness. But instead told her that she was assuming things .. Ha Ha Ha How can someone be so selfish & unknown of whats going on? He always told her to stay for him as he liked her but never gave her time and respect she deserves... isn't that selfishness, isn't that breaking someones hope n trust on you into pieces? She was forced to give it up - her love, her hopes of a better life, her trust.
Hmmm so what do we learn from this Hope is always not the best and magical word around. We live our life thinking there is HOPE that things might change, everything will be better and wait for the results. But we dont realize that we havent put any effort other than relying on that word. In today's gener there is no importance for Love or togetherness. Its purely attraction, infatuation & lust which has taken most of the importance now, I still feel i dont know the feeling of love completely ... Need to work on it and HOPE I do find out.. If not its okay as there's no one who cares..for TRUE LOVE !!! Its fuuny now when i listen to people and the count how many times they use the Word HOPE in my mind, Like for someone i am a Agony Aunt Ahhh !! I know, Me no ways i still didnt have enough of my tensions that i will become a Agony Aunt Ha HA Ha But yes i cant see anyone in pain, depression, Sad, Upset or lovely. That reminds me of so many things and i come forward to them to listen to them , comfort them and trust me that time i forget my tensions, It always nice to be someones Hope for a change.
This is something i felt for the word hope still have so much to write on it but i guess i should stop here and dont Bug you readers!!! will write on some other topic later. or if you want you can suggest as well.. i might try putting my thoughts on it...
Please fel free to leave your comments :-)
A woman wears her tears like jewelry!!
How many of you think this is true? Women are still a mystery to many of the men, am i right? Hmmm its so simple to understand US but the situations and surroundings makes it difficult for Men to understand.
I just tend to read my Brothers Blog on women and just laughed out, i thought i should comment but then a thought just crossed my mind - "Will he understand what i commented as me being a women myself and a feminist" hence it came to mind to write something about US :-P
Women - Indeed a difficult topic for me to write on, but its as good as expressing what i feel or may be what i am!! He defined women in Class but the fact is every women has the same heart but some change due to situations and some remain the same ... What would have been a world without women? I am sure to see gay men around as they would have no women to love ... would god give the strength to Men to have a baby Ha Ha Ha Ha ..

No women wants to see herself too clearly its true .. if we could see everything then i don't think we would need a partner .. I know there are few instances were Women have been portrait in a Negative side but its the same with men as well then why the hype comes when its about a women? No women does anything for her own self but does due to something in the background!! I am not talking on anyone's side but just a thought i have and i am sure many will disagree.
I never thought that i would stand up with highly qualified people around me, we were thought to take care of home, family & kept away from the outside world. my 20 years of life was spend thinking that i would get married and produce Babies LoLzzzzz Yes, that is the fact my roots still live with that thought only. when i see myself today i am proud about myself , not being that great but yes i am someone individually strong to take decisions and take care of things around me also. We have always been Tagged as WEAKER SEX no way we are weaker now. We go weak when we go unloved and uncared .. every women who might be at the highest post will bend down even now for this simple reason. But we then wear our tears like Jewelry and show it outside like a sparkle .. Men don't get enough by talking about women even knowing that Women are the ones responsible for their being in the world. Its SAD to see such a difference in many of them even in today's world.
Women make their partner strong enough to face the world, gives them a reason to smile and being loved. Men do that too .. but its more likely the women who has to go through so much to get that love and respect that she deserves. Why is that?
To End this i would love to say that i am proud to be a women and yes we are the only souls who will give up anything n everything in return for our values, family, love and ourself !!!!
Love you all :-P
Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light.
10:18 AM
Mornings - Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light. ~Jean Giraudoux
Such a Beautiful thought it is, I am impressed !!
Mornings - I used to hate mornings, like the bad kid who doesnt wanna get up on her ass and start the day but would love to laze over it all day n night along. Ha Ha I am sure i might know alot more people like me. But that was a time in Life cycle; when getting up early mornings for school was such a pathetic feeling, i am sure i used to look like this Kiddo here LOL. Irritated and full of anger on the school officials thinking as to why did they decide to keep the timings in the mornings..
Such a Beautiful thought it is, I am impressed !!

One phase of our life, which yes will never come back!! I still remember few people i used to meet in any family parties always told me to enjoy every part of this journey as will want to be here once u grow up!! I felt like kicking their ass at that point of time .. well i still hate LECTURES... a smile on my face right now!!
This Phase of life in twenties i really wanna go back in the time and say those people that i am and did enjoy every bit of my life when i was young, But did you tell me that twenties will be stuff and warn me about it?? It's tough atleast for me, I never realized i would love MORNINGS this much.. it's true as above what is said about mornings...
" Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light "
It's difficult to feel the mornings as i do now, never imagined i would know why are the mornings so important! It fills my heart while i pass by the empty road and a slight ray of light hitting the roads... a chill wind slowly flows by.. hits my face when i am in the cab towards office. Did we ever realize these small feelings? i never did till today.
It then at most feeling you can feel trust me on this, Close ur eyes and let the wind touch your skin and feel the touch of it and see there will be random of thoughts flowing in ur head. Morning have been a part of life that i look forward too, after the long night ends with this ray of light and a hope in my heart pops up.
Here i wish to stand alone and stare the waves, flowing wind, it would feel as if the water is dancing with the winds that flows by and then it touches you to make you feel a part of it. " You're not alone " that what it makes me feel.
I am not alone at all but there is something missing and i am still searching for it.. not sure what is that i am missing? if i knew i would fill it up and see myself in a place i wanted to be.. But i am sure i need to stand on that place alone and feel the winds and water dancing with me and feel a glimpse of happiness...inside and within me forever.
Mornings is such a moment when u can't help keep yourself away from those random thoughts.. Have you ever felt the same?
A Wonderful Feeling it was something i wanted to save in the memories...
Today got ready to leave for work on my bike, just a usual thing went through my check list and left towards my bike. While drinving towards the office in the empty roads... i went by a tree similar to the picture below and as soon as i reached the tree all the pink leafs feel over me .. as if someone was waiting to put them on me..a feeling that i went through i am not sure if i can put that in words.
I stopped going a little further and looked back at the tree and said thank you in my heart.. coz i sure it made my day... By bringing a SMILE on my face. Life isn't easy but yes these small things around you keep you happy.. and sometimes we find the bunch of happiness in these tiny miny things...
I am not sure was it by the winds it fell or was it a signal to me .. that everything will be fine as it was... I will see life i wanted to see.. i am not sure what it was? but yes it did give me a SMILE.
Sunday, the only in the week i look forward for.. here it is .. but there is something missing knowing what it is i cant go to it... well this is called LIFE.
I love taking every step towards and knowing its ingredients... it gives a immense pleasure see how many of us go through this with a SMILE..
Keep smiling :-)
Have a wonderful day ahead!!!
Ha Ha Ha what a coincident I went through a misunderstanding process and thought it was only taking people away in different ways .. But here i see in the news about a person "Misunderstood" in japan and been sentenced for 12 years.. here is the link to check it out...
Life Hmmmm you never know were it takes you though... ahh well justed tweeted as i didnt knowwhat i should be doing. Dull day ahead if i see the future... LOL At work but there Is absolutely NO WORK !!!
Dead bored here, sometimes i think why did i get in IT field??? May i thought i was too brainy ha ha ha ... and thats y i dont have much work to do.
Finally after all that i wrote ended up getting a message from that person.. but i guess a broken glass can never be reused.. once u break its no use of patching up anytime. I wanted to re use that glass but i can still see the cracks, Misunderstanding is always bigger than the feelings, Being emotionaless does help but to a point, i am sure we all break down atleast once. I broke yesterday. Blah Blah Blah i hate this truely. I wanted to make up and just forget what happened, But ??? ahh its okay i guess it happens with everyone .
Life Hmmmm you never know were it takes you though... ahh well justed tweeted as i didnt knowwhat i should be doing. Dull day ahead if i see the future... LOL At work but there Is absolutely NO WORK !!!
Dead bored here, sometimes i think why did i get in IT field??? May i thought i was too brainy ha ha ha ... and thats y i dont have much work to do.
Finally after all that i wrote ended up getting a message from that person.. but i guess a broken glass can never be reused.. once u break its no use of patching up anytime. I wanted to re use that glass but i can still see the cracks, Misunderstanding is always bigger than the feelings, Being emotionaless does help but to a point, i am sure we all break down atleast once. I broke yesterday. Blah Blah Blah i hate this truely. I wanted to make up and just forget what happened, But ??? ahh its okay i guess it happens with everyone .
I laughed out after the chat as i was not in for the chatting but was online so i had to and some stranger gives me a compliment, its obvious i would love it .. and that's when i knew i have something decided that i should do something about it.
Not a great day that i had though, went ahead and learn' t something called " MISUNDERSTANDING". How many of us in a day feel that we have been misunderstood?? Misunderstanding may be created in different terms and situations. How have you faced MISUNDERSTANDING?
I tasted the sip of that ingredient today and i guess many a times, but never gave importance to it as we all feel the importance only if the situation or the opposite is someone special or close to heart, Is it not? I have never realized the importance if i was misunderstood at all. Never thought that i would feel the pinch.. HUH.. Was surprised myself ..
I am sure i hate this word a lot more now.. i never thought a simple misunderstanding created between 2 people can take them so far apart. Part ways away from each other. This can between in office , Home, between friends, between a normal husband and wife, i mean any damn relation. People who know its a misunderstanding don't try to patch it up and forget what happened but instead go deeper and deeper in that .
Emotions again .. yeah i did .. a flow of emotions .. i hate this man, cant someone just understand that they mean alot to me ... and may be i was putting that in a different way which might have led to this stupid word called "MISUNDERSTANDING" This has beaten the shit out of me.. i tried my best to give the best i can but i guess they just didn't want it and had a chance to put it away with this word.
Emotions again .. yeah i did .. a flow of emotions .. i hate this man, cant someone just understand that they mean alot to me ... and may be i was putting that in a different way which might have led to this stupid word called "MISUNDERSTANDING" This has beaten the shit out of me.. i tried my best to give the best i can but i guess they just didn't want it and had a chance to put it away with this word.
Should i say the world is meaner now.. My brother has written about emotions and like wise i did too. I never understood myself i think so.
I was on Facebook one day and playing my stupid game called "YOVILLE" and added someone to be a neighbor for that game. We ended up chatting , i was not sure what should i be chatting about - the game or ourself ? Suddenly a music of the chat reply and there is the person who's first line was - "Hey Nisha!! You have a wonderful Smile..you must be dominating the world?" that shook me and gave a thought of it and replied - " No, i guess world is very busy looking for butterflies" Ha Ha Ha Ha and that's how we started chatting about the things around... all the while he just kept telling me that i should be taking care of myself and that i have a the best features.. LOL

Few days back i met one of my oldest friend and spoke when i was completely down, the way we spoke n i felt better made me think that - "Why did i not see side of the person in those 6 years? " A gentle heart and balanced mind ahh a right combination of a person .. and later after due course we now ended up in the word Misunderstanding.
Have i lost a friend completely? Was it meant to be? I have no clue about it.. but another tough day for me and all that flow of thoughts in my mind .. Now i am not sure if we would talk again? if we would be the same? Yes true that might not change my thoughts about him anytime.. But feeling sad about the day .. wish i never would have spoken today !!!!
If your reading this then for you - " I am Sorry !! from bottom of my heart. Wish things get right between us and better " Hmm i guess thats all i had to say today ... Hey you can share with me your experience with this kinds situation.
Love ,