Not a great day that i had though, went ahead and learn' t something called " MISUNDERSTANDING". How many of us in a day feel that we have been misunderstood?? Misunderstanding may be created in different terms and situations. How have you faced MISUNDERSTANDING?
I tasted the sip of that ingredient today and i guess many a times, but never gave importance to it as we all feel the importance only if the situation or the opposite is someone special or close to heart, Is it not? I have never realized the importance if i was misunderstood at all. Never thought that i would feel the pinch.. HUH.. Was surprised myself ..
I am sure i hate this word a lot more now.. i never thought a simple misunderstanding created between 2 people can take them so far apart. Part ways away from each other. This can between in office , Home, between friends, between a normal husband and wife, i mean any damn relation. People who know its a misunderstanding don't try to patch it up and forget what happened but instead go deeper and deeper in that .
Emotions again .. yeah i did .. a flow of emotions .. i hate this man, cant someone just understand that they mean alot to me ... and may be i was putting that in a different way which might have led to this stupid word called "MISUNDERSTANDING" This has beaten the shit out of me.. i tried my best to give the best i can but i guess they just didn't want it and had a chance to put it away with this word.
Emotions again .. yeah i did .. a flow of emotions .. i hate this man, cant someone just understand that they mean alot to me ... and may be i was putting that in a different way which might have led to this stupid word called "MISUNDERSTANDING" This has beaten the shit out of me.. i tried my best to give the best i can but i guess they just didn't want it and had a chance to put it away with this word.
Should i say the world is meaner now.. My brother has written about emotions and like wise i did too. I never understood myself i think so.
I was on Facebook one day and playing my stupid game called "YOVILLE" and added someone to be a neighbor for that game. We ended up chatting , i was not sure what should i be chatting about - the game or ourself ? Suddenly a music of the chat reply and there is the person who's first line was - "Hey Nisha!! You have a wonderful Smile..you must be dominating the world?" that shook me and gave a thought of it and replied - " No, i guess world is very busy looking for butterflies" Ha Ha Ha Ha and that's how we started chatting about the things around... all the while he just kept telling me that i should be taking care of myself and that i have a the best features.. LOL

Few days back i met one of my oldest friend and spoke when i was completely down, the way we spoke n i felt better made me think that - "Why did i not see side of the person in those 6 years? " A gentle heart and balanced mind ahh a right combination of a person .. and later after due course we now ended up in the word Misunderstanding.
Have i lost a friend completely? Was it meant to be? I have no clue about it.. but another tough day for me and all that flow of thoughts in my mind .. Now i am not sure if we would talk again? if we would be the same? Yes true that might not change my thoughts about him anytime.. But feeling sad about the day .. wish i never would have spoken today !!!!
If your reading this then for you - " I am Sorry !! from bottom of my heart. Wish things get right between us and better " Hmm i guess thats all i had to say today ... Hey you can share with me your experience with this kinds situation.
Love ,
the emotions run to deep here!! should have warned me before, i would have got a life jacket before jumping in!!
ReplyDeleteone guy organised a misundersntng betn me and my best friend..
ReplyDeleteHow should i convince my best friend that it was a planned misunderstanding...