Life and Love -- Alot to Learn from!!

11:19 AM

       Day was good .. was my Off today, Experimented by making new dish. The whole day passed away with the same thing, thought of what to blog today. Wasn't sure of the topic, felt clueless, you know as if something is missing and your not sure on what is that? I felt the same today, a emptiness, people made fun of me saying that i am blogger now and things like that. I was a little confused as to why people make fun of feelings, if they don't have any; why do they think that all this is crap, its like for this coming generation feelings, emotions have no role to play. Our So called generation X  LOL !!!

  While sitting besides my colleague today heard the most pathetic news. A Kid of 12 was sexually molested for almost about 1 1/2 years by her cousin, his friends, and neighbours. GOD !!! are you seeing all this and still keeping quite, that small kid of 10 years did she ever knew what was happening around her. They say GOD lives within ALL of US !!1 is that so? when a budding heart goes through this terrible time is the GOD in us witnessing all that ans still keep quite. It shook us more when it was written that her cousin started all this. A family memeber  WOW  what more can you expect from the word family, relationships ????

  Did that guy have a devil in him that he didnt knew what he was doing? Were the neighbours blind folded by LUST that they didnt realize that they are spoiling a young heart that was just stepping in the outer world.. Shocking but these things happen in every part of the world called Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and we say god lives within us... huh i just laughed out thinking this ..did they know what the baby went through? will she ever now trust her brothers n people living with her? will she get the respect she is supposed to? these were the questions in mind when i thought of it. It strange, in a world were you can get all this as you have women who are ready then Y that small child ??? I remember when i was on facebook and chatting with one of my friend i saw a comment from a friend who spoke about childern in her neighbour who were abused and expolited by their mother. I was merely shocked and then spoke to her and she explained the situation and told me that she is fighting for those kids to go back to their dad and get away from all this. Some good people are still alive in this MEAN world.

  Today's news about Sandra's cheating husband, whats going on? Its insane; people are truely got themselves into this glam and comfort zone were they can do anything and they know nothing can stop them, Coz they have power and excuses. Isn't all this strange and they can GOD lives in usi guess it should revised as Devils in all of us. As i am sure GOD would never want to see, hear, do these kinda unhuman things !!!

  I am actually lost in all these & there are certain things which i cant get rid off, its painful to see something happening like this everyday and comes in the first page of the newspaper. Will all this ever stop? Will there be fullstop and people will understand and react with their sense? Its difficult to say -" Hope is to remain positive when going gets tough, hope is seeking more when others think u had enough"

Love and Life are so different.. Love is like a your own world were there is Fun, Contentment , Feeling of Being Loved. Away from all these like a fairy tale, may be a AVARTAR world of your own. wouldn't that be cool wow i can imagine... that tree and lights in the plants... flying high as the whole world is our's. Amazing feeling isn't hmmm i know ...

Life would have been amazing if we had that option ... a world like AVATAR on the other hand world of this gener X. What would you choose if you were given a option to?

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  1. We are surrounded by many people having weird addictions, nature. Some are total morons, insane. Its said that God watch us all and act accordingly. Might be true also. The Pandora island shown in AVATAR is what I dream. I was on Pandora islands in dreams for many days after I watched the movie.

  2. nits nice blog and i was not making fun of you with re to blogging. but i dont understand why it is human nature to accuse God of watching all this with silence..after all he has created humans and given them free will, now it is up to each one of us how and what me make use of it. other wise why would there be a judgment day on the gates of heaven?or why would there be a judicial system to try criminals.. when he would tell the court it was God's will? the deed is horrible but is it not the practice of exploiting people who are weak? she was the weak one there and hence was exploited by all.. happens in the animal world and in cities all people are half animals inside..but i think you did not read the other part ... her parents washed their hands of her and its actually her Aunt who is fighting the case against her own son..
    human society is just like a old building which tries to hide all the evil inside.. but occasionally a windows opens and people see something inside!!

  3. thats is true that god is with in us and even devil is within us. it is up to us whom we listen
